Set against a background of deep sky blue metallic colour, each of the classic zodiac symbols is included with a transforming glow in the dark effect activated by the included black light. When the black light is turned on, the hidden constellations from which each sign is derived are magically revealed.
Mintage is limited to just 4,000. While we all know our own astrological sign and we may even enjoy the horoscopes and personality traits traditionally associated with each sign, you might not have known that the origins of astrology link back to ancient Greek mythology, with every sign of the zodiac representing a Greek god, goddess or other important figure from mythology. In fact, the origins of astrology date back over 4000 years to some of the first great civilizations of the world. These societies used constellations to predict the changes of the seasons, climatic events, and as part of their religious worldview. The names of the constellations of the western zodiac come from the 12 Olympian gods of Greek mythology.
Each god is the protector of his own sign, and every sign denotes a different personality type, with its own strengths and weaknesses. Each sign is influenced by a planet or star.These bear the names of figures from ancient Roman mythology which have an equivalent in Greek mythology, for example, Venus is Aphrodite and the Sun is Helios. Ancient mythology with modern technology. Set against a background of deep sky blue metallic. Colour, each of the classic zodiac symbols is included with a transforming glow in the dark effect. Activated by the included black light.
When the black light is turned on, the hidden. Constellations from which each sign is derived are magically revealed. Mintage is limited to just. While we all know our own astrological sign and we may even enjoy the horoscopes and. Personality traits traditionally associated with each sign, you might not have known that the.
Origins of astrology link back to ancient Greek mythology, with every sign of the zodiac. Representing a Greek god, goddess or other important figure from mythology. Of astrology date back over 4000 years to some of the first great civilizations of the world. Societies uséd constellations to predict the changes of the seasons, climatic events, and as part of. The names of the constellations of the western zodiac come from the 12 Olympian gods of Greek.Each god is the protector of his own sign, and every sign denotes a different. Personality type, with its own strengths and weaknesses.
Each sign is influenced by a planet or. These bear the names of figures from ancient Roman mythology which have an equivalent. In Greek mythology, for example, Venus is Aphrodite and the Sun is Helios. ABOUT CANADIAN COIN & CURRENCY.Canadian Coin & Currency is Canada####x2019;s largest full-service collector coin business. ######xA0; We are a top-level direct Royal Canadian Mint Authorized Dealer for both collector coins and precious metals, providing our customers with access to all Royal Canadian Mint new releases and many historic issues. ######xA0; Established in 1987, our staff of about 35 includes a wide expertise in numismatics and precious metals, and we are dedicated to providing excellent value and customer service. ######xA0; We are a brick-and-mortar business with a head office and retail store at 10355 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario (metro Toronto).