Royal Canadian Mint

2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set

2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set
2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set
2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set
2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set
2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set
2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set
2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set
2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set

2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set    2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set
2023 Annual Collection Book with a Poster and a Special Edition Uncirculated Coin Set. The latest Annual Collection Book is a picture-filled record of the coins you loved and collected in 2023. The Annual Collection Book is the new collector favourite, and the 2023 Edition is your ultimate visual record of the coins we issued and the stories we minted in 2023. Proof sets, collector coins, circulation coins, bullion and more-they're all featured in this year-in-review showcase, which boasts stunning photography, exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes glimpses and detailed information on each collectible. Like the 2022 Edition, each book is serialized and comes with two popular features: a colour poster that you can put on your wall, and an exclusive.

There's no better way to preserve your memories of coin collecting in 2023. The year 2023 in coins.

Is your go-to guide to Canadian coins issued in 2023. It covers all the themes we commemorated, the stories we minted and the innovations we debuted throughout the year. There's always something new to discover.

Each new edition is built on the foundations laid by the previous year and shaped by the feedback we received-and the 2023 Edition is no exception. We kept the format and sleek packaging from the 2022 Edition, and we added more exclusive interviews, quotes and behind-the-scenes stories that will add to your memories of collecting in 2023. And is itself a collectible-a highly exclusive one too, since there are just 3,500 available to collectors worldwide.

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The colour poster of Canadian coins issued throughout the year. Use it as a visual reference and hang it on your wall.

2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set    2023 Royal Canadian Mint Annual Collection Book including Uncirculated Coin Set